
For business inquires, contact me


Programming Languages
C++, C, Python, Java, Lua, Scheme
Misc. Software
Git, Subversion, Docker
Linux (Debian and Centos-based distributions), Windows
ARM Cortex M4 microcontrollers, Raspberry Pi


Solace Systems
Software Developer
May 2016 - Present
  • Design and implementation of software features for portfolio of hardware message routers.
  • Integration and dockerization of software emulated router with various cloud platforms.
SkyWave Mobile Communications
Verification Engineer Intern
Sept 2013 - Aug 2014
  • Developed automated test scripts for stress testing, integration testing, regression testing, and unit testing a series of embedded communication devices.
  • Created robust test plans to thoroughly test series of said devices.
  • Maintained an internal database application for keeping track of employee ownership of said devices.


Bachelor of Engineering, Computer Systems Engineering
Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario
Sept 2011 - April 2016
  • CGPA: 10.16/12 (A-)
  • Murdoch Maxwell MacOdrum Scholarship, 2013
  • Claude Bissell School Scholarship, 2012
  • Entrance Scholarship, 2011
  • Dean’s Honour List, Carleton University, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2014-2015, 2015-2016