
Here are some projects that I've been involved with over the years.
Sept 2015 - April 2016

A system for motion controlling InMoov, the open source 3d printed robot. Hand motion data is queried from a Leap Motion controller, processed, streamed over TCP/IP to an ARM Cortex M microcontroller which maps the data into PWM waves that moves the servo motors. Pressure sensors will provide closed loop feedback to the microcontroller when the hand comes into contact with an object.

May 2015 - June 2015

A file transfer application implementing TFTP written in Java. Features include support for multiple clients concurrently, files permissions, and a packet error simulator that intercepts and/or changes packets to simulate the unrealiability of UDP.

Aug 2014 - Feb 2015

A 2D scrolling space shooter written in C++ using SDL2. Based on old school arcade titles like Galaga and R-Type. Incorporates man features such as a score system, audio system, menu, and customizable levels.

Oct 2014 - Dec 2014

A projector system created for the Discovery Centre at Carleton University's library. The system provides synchronized video and audio streaming to three projectors. It is controlled through the web application or an IR remote. The goal was to create an ambient noise environment for students to study in.